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Stephan Guinchard
Partner, Ixens
A graduate from Ecole Polytechnique, Stephan Guinchard also holds an MBA from the London Business School. He was a strategy consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) until May 2014. He is the founder and CEO of Heraxis, a consulting company that contributes to the emergence, development and sustainability of hidden champions in France. In September 2014, Stefan Guinchard joined the Ixens firm as a partner.
His book Les Champions cachés du XXIe siècle. Stratégies à succès (Economica‚ 2012), co-authored with German professor Hermann Simon, has won several awards. He is co-host, with Michel Berry, of the seminar “Aventures Industrielles” de l’École de Paris du management (Industrial Adventures, Paris School of Management).

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